Monday, June 28, 2010

Graphics - What Type are YOU!?

Check out the link below. SQAB was kind enough to forward this link and help me discover my inner type. Answer four quick questions and find out for your self.

I am Corbusier Stencil!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life- Blogs are high maintenance!

BlogDonnit! It's been nearly three months...Luckily for us, rab has graced us with his cyber presence. Also, I was formally published for the 1st time in my friends ( blog...

"10 things: crystal fresh can't live without"


Life - Combining your favorite things

Recently, I decided to combine my three favorite things to make the ultimate trifecta of productivity and profitability.

There are many things I am passionate about but among the major ones are recycling, making money, and jogging.

Every time I went for a jog around my neighborhood, the constant site of trash and litter around the neighborhood drove me insane. My peaceful jog would be interrupted by the constant sight of aluminum can everywhere. So about a month ago I decided to become proactive and make a difference. I already recycle a lot of items at home and at the office and have recently taken to cashing in for the aluminum. For the past two weeks I have been picking up every can I see on my jog and collecting them in a small plastic bag that I carry with me. After every day, I deposit the cans into a large trash bag in the back of my car.

As a result, over these past two weeks I have been able to collect about two full trash bags of cans which can be cashed in for …….$5!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it may not be the lottery but I still feel great about what I am doing.

BTW sorry for neglecting you Blog.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Life - A gasp for air in an ocean of thoughts

Too poetic? Well as our readers can tell, NIC and I have both been consumed by our daily rituals and have neglected this blog (me more so than NIC).

But today I have to pause for a gasp of air, last night I lay in bed drowning in thoughts, thoughts of the future, the present the past. Mistakes I have made that I can never take back, decisions I am making today that will affect my future when I stopped myself and cleared my head.......God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

A dear friend just recently gave a book to read every morning or night that gives daily mediations and affirmations. It is great! It makes me stop the mess that is going on in my head for a couple of minutes a day to reflect on what really is important.

Today I only have control of what I do and must be ok with that.

I came up for a gasp of air and gave myself time to read my favorite blog, Cator Sparks Diary of a Sugar Dandy. He recently posted about his trip to Africa and how alive it ,ade him feel. It was just what I needed. I need to feel alive. I love what I am doing but feel trapped in the routine of it.

I am drowning in a pool of thoughts and need to remember to swim up for air.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Lastnight, during my nightly tv ritual, I happened to take advantage of our 1 month free HBO and came across Valentino-The Last Emperor...I fell in Love. Really, modern fashion has nothing on this Classic beauty and the epitome of class of a designer and the gorgeous evening gowns and dresses he designs. I love the simplicity of every detail, and how it all comes together to make this masterpiece. Every designer out there "thinks" their sh*t is the bomb...but that's the difference between Valentino and the others. It's a fact. Everyone KNOWS and appreciates the beauty of his work, and there's no argument. The fact that he's been with the same lover for 40+ years even proves his class, he hasn't switched out arm candy with every award acheived...and I'm sure he's had all the opportunity in the world to switch Giancarlo out, but he's true to himself, his friends and his fashion. It's more than the clothes, it's the legacy that he has built for himself and his brand. He deserves the respect, unlike other wanna be designers...err hmm, Lindsey Lohan.

I digress.

But then...I learned a little of Karl Lagerfeld while watching this documentary and doing some research online. However, I'm going to watch his movie before I express the same love for him as I did Valentino...could there be more than one Last Emperor?


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Have you ever witnessed Love? Seriously, not PDA...not old people married for a long time (that are just comfortable)...but really LOVE? I have. 2 people, that I know, that are truly meant for eachother, I know because it's rare and far in between. I've also witnessed everything BUT love, so when I see it and feel it, I know it's true. I also know it's true because they're the people they were before, only better.

You don't change or mold yourself to be loved. You just are loved. It's simple.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Life- The Little things that make you smile

I love getting those little surprises from life whenever I am having a bad day. A while back I was walking past a gym after a frustrating day of work and school and had to stop and do a double take at a sign posted outside the entry to the gym. Is it me or is this gym "ad" a little misguiding and ...well just take a look at the female trainer? Thoughts?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


a gift


So here it is, the result of what a friend said "would be the death of you"...well no obituary, but close. First I'll bore you with the progress to what The Hus would call "a costly project".

I'm grateful the project was completed before we downsized from 1,090 sf apt to 798 sf. There's no way in hell I would have had space to work on it, considering it's a massive 7 1/2' x 3'... hey, if I'm going to make something it's going to be the grandiose version of whatever it may be.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Fashion - The "I Wants" For 2010

We are all extremely broke from the festivities of the 2009 Holiday season so 2010 is looking like a thrift store kind of year. What better way to start than in HOUSTON TEXAS!

Our friend of the Thrift Store Posse will be updating us on any recent finds and places to go from this weekend's Houston Trip!
Looking for items that resemble:

Monday, January 4, 2010

Life- "Happy New You!"

...was the title of a blog I recently passed up. I'm tired of it, all this "New year, New you!" junk. I mean I'm all for self improvement, but i just don't think the year end should mark when you should start self improvement. I beleive if your truly serious about starting off on the right foot, you woulnd't need to tag along with the rest of the worlds ny resolutions.

Me, negative?! Noooo, I just have more hope for you than you probably have for yourself! In the words of a gazillion dollar slogan..."JUST DO IT!"

Happy New You!

Disclaimer: I myself made a resolution, am I considered a Hypocrit. Yup! but aren't we all!