Monday, June 28, 2010

Graphics - What Type are YOU!?

Check out the link below. SQAB was kind enough to forward this link and help me discover my inner type. Answer four quick questions and find out for your self.

I am Corbusier Stencil!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life- Blogs are high maintenance!

BlogDonnit! It's been nearly three months...Luckily for us, rab has graced us with his cyber presence. Also, I was formally published for the 1st time in my friends ( blog...

"10 things: crystal fresh can't live without"


Life - Combining your favorite things

Recently, I decided to combine my three favorite things to make the ultimate trifecta of productivity and profitability.

There are many things I am passionate about but among the major ones are recycling, making money, and jogging.

Every time I went for a jog around my neighborhood, the constant site of trash and litter around the neighborhood drove me insane. My peaceful jog would be interrupted by the constant sight of aluminum can everywhere. So about a month ago I decided to become proactive and make a difference. I already recycle a lot of items at home and at the office and have recently taken to cashing in for the aluminum. For the past two weeks I have been picking up every can I see on my jog and collecting them in a small plastic bag that I carry with me. After every day, I deposit the cans into a large trash bag in the back of my car.

As a result, over these past two weeks I have been able to collect about two full trash bags of cans which can be cashed in for …….$5!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it may not be the lottery but I still feel great about what I am doing.

BTW sorry for neglecting you Blog.